A few years back I remember listening to a female business owner share her success story. She said something that has stuck with me for over 10 years.

As a small business owner, you bring an incredible amount of value to your business. To get a company up and running to the point where it is profitable is no easy feat.

Marketing is the planning and action of promotional activities that result in the selling of products or services.

What do you think I mean if I have to ask you the question; “Is your business compliant”? Most new business owners don’t understand what compliance is required in their type of business. Compliance will be different for different industries and income brackets.

Creating Cash Flow
When I started my first business, I considered the financial side of things as “boring accounting stuff” – something I was not keen on initially. My feelings on the matter soon changed. Financial structures in your business are much more than mere accounting practices. As important as it is to manage your income and expenses, there is a lot more to setting up your financial structures than you may expect.

When you are ready to start your new business venture, you need to think about all the ways this product or service can make you money. How many sources of income can you get from this one business? Can you build multiple income streams and make those income streams passive income streams?

What is branding, exactly? Contrary to popular belief, branding is far more than just a logo. Your customers’ first impression of your company is formed through your brand. Therefore, your brand experience should be encapsulated and epitomised in your branding.

When it comes to naming your business, is your first thought to use your name, child’s name, initials, or joining your nieces’ names? I ask this because 70% of young people I mentor want to use one of the previous ideas to name their business