Saving and investing are two crucial financial skills that can have a major impact on one's financial well-being. While both concepts are often used interchangeably, they are distinct in nature. Saving refers to the act of setting aside money for future use, while investing is the act of putting your money to work in order to generate more money. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of saving and investing, and why both skills should be a part of everyone's financial toolkit.

What is branding, exactly? Contrary to popular belief, branding is far more than just a logo. Your customers’ first impression of your company is formed through your brand. Therefore, your brand experience should be encapsulated and epitomised in your branding.

When it comes to naming your business, is your first thought to use your name, child’s name, initials, or joining your nieces’ names? I ask this because 70% of young people I mentor want to use one of the previous ideas to name their business

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Do you feel like you're stuck in a cycle of overspending and not having enough money to cover your bills? Are you ready to take control of your finances and achieve your long-term goals? If so, our 12 Budgeting Tips E-Book is exactly what you need!

What do you think you need to start a business? Most people say things like “money”, “a business plan”, “an idea” while you do need an idea and a plan and no money is not a necessity to start a business, that is not the answer I’m looking for.

- Category: Blog
12 Top Tips to Help You Understand Tax
How the Work-from-Home Culture Impacts Your Tax Return
The shift to a work-from-home culture due to the pandemic has brought up new questions about taxes, expenses, and deductions. In this article, we'll explore how the new work environment affects your tax return and what you need to know to stay on top of your taxes.

- Category: Blog
We have been through a tough 2 years emotionally and financially after the global epidemic that had us all scared and behind closed doors. In the months that followed South Africa was hit with flooding, riots and an ever increasing electricity crisis, throw in the war that started in 2021 and you will find a large number of working class people struggling to make it through each month.

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Creating Money Savvy Kids for the future.
Ask any child what they want to be when they grow up and you will hear things like; “I want to be a doctor”, “I want to be a pilot”, “I want to travel the world” or “I want to save the whales”, but dreams cost money and if dreams cost money why are we teaching our children to live the life of their means and not live the life of their dreams?

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Are you looking to start your own business, but finding that the process can be overwhelming? From sales, marketing, and operational teams to budgets and cash flow, there is quite a bit that goes into starting one’s own business.

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The term “emergency fund” refers to money put away that people can use in times of financial distress. The purpose of the emergency fund is to improve financial security by creating a safety net to help cover unforeseeable, high-cost expenses which, in its absence, could have catastrophic effects on your financial situation.

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If you are a working person in South Africa right now you are feeling the pinch of the 3 interest rate increases, the 7 petrol price increases, the Eskom increase of 9.61%, all your annual subscriptions have gone up the average 10%. Suddenly you have less disposable income. This tells me 1 thing. Your expenses have gone up and your income has remained the same.
If you don’t re look and re do your budget to cater for these additional expenses, you will very quickly start spending more than you earn. When you spend more than you earn you will get into debt very quickly.

- Category: Blog
You have started your first job. It’s the end of month one and you just received your first salary. I can see the look of glee on your face as you ponder on how best to spend your hard-earned cash. I see the thought bubbles “Apple watch”, “A new phone”, “New work wardrobe”. Stop!
You worked hard to earn that money, right? Why throw it away on purchases you don’t really need? You are probably thinking, “You sounds like my parents”.

- Category: Blog
We all know that life during COVID 19 is filled with countless unavoidable worries of the financial kind. Some may feel it more than others, but we all feel it non-the-less. We are losing our jobs, taking salary cuts and closing our once thriving business. Basically, we go into level 1 of survival mode when it comes to our finances due to the crunch we feel. Here are 5 Tips to get you to the next level of survival mode.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
I have had to manage my own budget fairly tightly since the first hard lock down started a year ago. With a few months of zero income and being forced to spend my savings, I knew what I needed to do first to make sure I was not spending more than I earned. I relooked my budget and was ruthless at cutting costs. I even cut my food budget in half and spent more time cooking and planning my meals better.
When was the last time you relooked your budgets? How often are you even checking your bank statements to be sure where all your money is going?

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
South Africa is a buy-now, pay-later society. The effects on young people’s financial literacy are thus characterised by the same behaviour patterns as parents and society as a whole. These are high credit and high consumer behaviour with very little savings, and in turn high social risk behaviour. MSK is working to change this disastrous pattern.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
“Growing your wealth” seems to be the new buzz word around town. Most financial institutions are trying to educate “the man on the street” about investing and trying to get them to use their platforms. That’s how easy investing has become. There are online platforms you can start to use to trade shares, bonds, ETF’s and more. These institutions have made it very simple for us to try our hand at investing.
When it comes to your financial security, it’s all about planning and long - term goals.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
How would you define your money mindset? How do you feel when you look at your finances, earn money, pay bills and talk about money? For many of us money brings up a lot of emotion. For some it can be positive, but for many it is negative. We feel dread when we see bills and guilt when we look at our current bank statement. It is important to become aware of these emotions so that you can process them and work on creating a money mindset that makes you feel good and helps you work better with your money.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
The first time I set a financial goal was when I was 32 years old. It was a skill I needed to learn. I needed to formulate a plan to achieve my goals and I can honestly say that goal setting was one of the biggest drivers in changing my financial situation. I still set goals for myself each year because Goal setting gives meaning and direction. Setting financial goals helps us focus on our finances.
Setting goals marks the beginning of financial planning to help you achieve your goals and objectives at various stages in your life.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
The first time I ever did a value exercise I was 38 years old. It was an interesting experience because I had no idea what I valued in life or in my financial life. My top value at the time was family. What was scary was I was not living up to my core value in any way, shape, or form.

- Category: 10 Steps to Get Money Savvy Series
South Africa is a buy-now, pay-later society. The effects on young people’s financial literacy are thus characterised by the same behaviour patterns as parents and society. These are high credit and high consumer behaviour with very little savings, and in turn high social risk behaviour. Money Savvy is working to change this disastrous pattern.